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Delivery & Returns

Purchases should be despatched within 5 working days though this time can often be shorter. (With the exception of Bank holidays which may take longer.)

UK Postage

All orders within the UK will be sent via Royal Mail, signed for 1st class stamps to ensure that your items arrive quickly and safely.

International Postage

If you wish to purchase an item but I do not currently deliver to your country, please contact me and I will hopefully be able to arrange delivery for you.

Unfortunately I cannot issue a refund on items that are lost in the post. (Proof of postage for every purchase is retained).

Returns Policy

Returns are accepted in the unlikely event that an item arrives damaged or if you are unhappy with your purchase.

If this is the case, please contact me within 7 days upon receiving your order.

Please be aware that the return postage is to be covered by the customer.

Once I have received your return, I will notify you and process a refund. Please be aware this may take several working days to appear via your original method of payment.

Returned items (unless established as faulty) must be in their original condition, not opened or altered.